Acupuncture for Aging:

“As an early baby boomer I am in at age where aging is supposed to be a health challenge.

Does aging mean reduced health?

Does telling yourself “I feel OK”, getting regular visits to the MD, taking your vitamins and medicine mean wellness?

What if, like your vehicle, your body needs maintenance, a tune-up, even an overhaul, especially as the seasons change?

What if knowing I NEED THIS you still don’t do it?

What if you had a health care professional who helped and encouraged you to not just get checked up, but get healthier?

Eastern medicine with Dr Ben is attuned to seasonal changes that also occur in our bodies. This Fall it is getting cold. “Flu season” is here, holiday stress, festive foods and drink, all influence our wellness. Dr. Ben upgrades his procedures to account for those changes, and keeps me motivated to build on my wellness. His is a unique approach that during and after a session I know I am physically, emotionally and spiritually at optimum health.
Dr. Ben cares about me, aging is not a challenge.”

– Gary S. (Crockett)


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